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Add make ability to PromiseMore.

Bryan Tong requested to merge nullivex/kado:promiseMoreMake into master

static PromiseMore.make (context, method, arguments...)

  • context {Object} thisArg to use when calling method
  • method {Function} method to be called that uses a callback as the last argument, and triggers the callback with (err, arguments...)
  • arguments... {Mixed} any arguments that should be passed to the method
  • Return {Promise} resolved or rejected depending on the outcome, where all returned arguments applied to the resolution.

Example using EmailJS

const SMTPClient = require('emailjs').SMTPClient
const client = new SMTPClient({
  // config
const message = {
  text: 'Some message',
  to: ''
  // more message options
const resp = await PromiseMore.make(client, client.send, message)
Assert.isOk(resp, 'Invalid message')

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